Sep 16, 2023
Masonic Temple Theatre (Detroit, Michigan)
Tour Rarity Rank: 19th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Turbulence & The Night RaysCover
7 of 9
22 of 28
2. The Whales
4 of 5
31 of 36
3. Wysteria Lane
3 of 5
87 of 92
4. Electric AvenueCover
4 of 5
32 of 34
5. Red Bird
6 of 10
29 of 39
6. YetiCover
4 of 6
84 of 90
7. Borne
4 of 6
25 of 30
8. Hungersite
9 of 13
34 of 44
9. Rock the CasbahTour DebutCover
1 of 1
12 of 13
10. 726
4 of 5
27 of 29
11. Arrow
8 of 12
51 of 60
12. Silver RisingEncore
10 of 14
34 of 43