Apr 18, 2019
Mercury Lounge (New York, New York)
Tour Rarity Rank: 49th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Eminence FrontTour DebutCover
live debut by Goose) (>
1 of 6
2 of 10
2. Butter Rum
10 of 25
27 of 93
3. Time to Flee
10 of 30
25 of 92
4. Tumble
with 'Beverly Hills Cop' teases
13 of 33
13 of 94
5. Turned Clouds
4 of 14
26 of 86
6. So Ready
8 of 23
44 of 105
7. Echo of a Rose
> 'So Ready' reprise
7 of 20
10 of 85
8. Green RiverCover
3 of 8
14 of 31
9. Creatures
4 of 17
27 of 106
10. Arcadia
Greg Knight freestyle
10 of 28
58 of 178
11. Electric AvenueCover
6 of 13
8 of 34