Nov 13, 2021
The Echo Lounge & Music Hall (Dallas, Texas)
Tour Rarity Rank: 11th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Eminence FrontTour DebutCover
1 of 1
8 of 10
2. Bob Don
4 of 6
15 of 44
3. Turned Clouds
2 of 3
55 of 86
4. Arrow
3 of 5
17 of 60
5. It Burns Within
played in a different feel
2 of 2
6 of 10
6. Yeti
3 of 5
55 of 90
7. Slow Ready
3 of 4
36 of 72
8. Creatures
4 of 6
65 of 106
9. State of the Art (A.E.I.O.U.)Tour DebutCover
1 of 1
3 of 6
10. Jive I
4 of 4
73 of 99
11. Jive II
3 of 5
45 of 65
12. Jive Lee
first time all three Jives were played together
4 of 5
53 of 73
13. Hot TeaEncore
4 of 6
71 of 118