Feb 9, 2019
The Lariat (Buena Vista, Colorado)
Tour Rarity Rank: 36th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Me and My UncleCover
2 of 10
56 of 101
2. Madhuvan
4 of 22
38 of 125
3. Liza JaneTour DebutCover
1 of 8
6 of 18
4. Time to Flee
3 of 30
18 of 92
5. Echo of a Rose
4 of 20
7 of 85
6. So Ready
4 of 23
40 of 105
7. Lead the WayTour Debut
1 of 6
30 of 67
8. Hot Tea
4 of 32
16 of 118
9. Me and Julio Down by the SchoolyardEncoreCover
2 of 6
13 of 26